
Monday 3 April 2017

Letter to parents - "Drop in cafe "

Glen Innes School
38 Eastview Road
Glen Innes

4 April 2017

Dear mum,

My principal is having a “Drop in cafe” on 5th of April on Wednesday and I would like for you to make an appearance at this meeting about my learning and have a talk with my teacher.  If you come to this meeting it gives you a chance to know about what I am learning about and what I need help in, please attend this meeting this would mean alot to me if you did come.  I really really hope you can come and join meeting with the other parent’s coming to this event.

Theses are score’s I got for my tests for reading, writing and math.  So for reading I 3A on my writing and I was very disappointed in myself that I got such a low score, that is why I am trying very hard in class to understand and get it right.  On my last math test my score was 3P, on my next test I need to work harder to get a higher mark.  My writing test score was 2P,  which is not even close to the mark I need to work extra hard on this and the other subjects but especially my writing.
The marks I got are very bad because they are not at the national standard for my year level,  so the national standard for reading is a 4A and I need to keep reading the story until I understand it.  The mark you have to get to be at on your report for maths is also 4A and to get to the mark I need to ask my teacher if I don’t understand what she is teaching, and again the standard for writing is 4A, to get to this mark I need to do everything that is needed for what type of writing I am doing.

In room 8 my teacher has been teaching us three important word’s “Pace,Acceleration and Consolidation” and I think that I have accelerated in my school work because I want to get myself to a higher standard in all my subjects.  I know that I have accelerated in my maths because I know everything my teacher has taught me throughout this term. I don’t think I have accelerated in my writing that much because sometimes I do not finish the writing task.

So I really hope you do attend this special meeting about my learning, and it would be very important if you come because I am one of the priority student’s in my class that my teacher teaches.  She gives the priority group an extra 15 minutes of learning because we are the children that take’s learning seriously, if you don’t come you will get a unexpected call from Mr Hendricks

Your loving child



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