
Thursday 23 February 2017

Omaru Creek

Omaru Creek

Our topic study is on the Omaru Creek,and I have just read an article that tells me facts about it.  It was said that they found something inside the pipes causing blockage. Things such as fat,oil and wet wipes. When I read that article it was stated that rubbish like that can not break down into water and it will only grow into big clumps.

That is why the residents of the community and the  whole of Glen Innes school will be working together to clean up the the section that is closest to Apirana road,even the younger kids will be doing it.  My class and I just went to visit the stream and I saw a aerosol can,piece of cardboard,metal buckets, moss, sticks/branches, cigarettes,bird feathers,chocolate wrapper and insects.

This is the condition of the creek now, and I am hoping after we do a fix it up with the whole school it will look much more nicer, I also hope that people will treat it nicely and WILL not throw their rubbish inside the creek.  When we arrived there we could seen that the water was no clean and it wasn’t flowing like a normal creek would. What is the Omaru Creek? It is a creek that has been treated like dirt and we have to something about that.



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